Posted by Floralyn Teodoro on Mar 22nd 2017

Protect Yourself From Toxic Mold

Protect Yourself From Toxic Mold

Since you most likely spend 90% of your time indoors, your lungs, sinuses, and entire respiratory and circulatory system are constantly being attacked by microscopic contaminants, such a bacteria, viruses, gases, germs, mold spores, formaldehyde, dust, pollen, gases, asbestos, and other chemicals. These little invisible irritants wreak havoc on your system, and trigger allergy, asthma, sinus, and other breathing problems.

Air pollution, in you home can inflame and even destroy delicate lung tissue, harming you over time and causing everything from annoying symptoms to serious disease, and in some cases, even premature death! Believe it or not, the impure, unhealthy air found right in our own home could very likely be causing your illness.

In addition to the daily assault our bodies take from common household chemicals, allergens, mold and dust, we now have more reason than at any time in recent history to be concerned about bacteria and viruses, and mold in our indoor air.

The air you breathe is unhealthy, and one of the most harmful contaminants is mold. Mold harms the body by directly inflaming and destroying the lung tissue, weakening the lung’s defenses, and causing numerous symptoms. For people who are already sick or especially environmentally sensitive, mold and its byproducts causes discomfort, limited activities, increased use of medication, more frequent visits to doctors and hospitals, and even a shortened life span.

There is widespread mold contamination of our nations’ homes. The problem is especially severe in apartment buildings in U.S. cities. Stachybotyrus, Aspergillus, and Penicillin are just some of the types of species involved. They grow in damp, dark places, behind walls and above on ceilings, in heating and ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Communicable Disease Center (CDC) advises that if mold is seen or smelled, there is a potential health risk. Toxic mold growth has been found across the country, not only after heavy rains, but, where water leaks or condenses into apartment buildings and homes. It affects the old and as well as new buildings, even the newest exclusive apartments.

These days, you can’t help but notice the number of air purifiers sold through retailers, catalogs, and distributors everywhere. It’s become a fast-growing market – and with good reason.

In addition, if you think mold is in your home or office, you would need to contact a certified mold company to do an inspection. Then, depending on what is found the mold would need to be removed. Also, using certain air purifiers will help reduce the spores counts and odors in the air. However, most air purifiers can not kill mold which then becomes a breading ground for germs in the HEPA. Even UV (ultraviolet) can not effectively kill mold. CWR’s new technology called EGF (Enhanced Germicidal Filtration) uses a special HEPA type filter that is penetrated by an electric field. Mold and germs are then totally inactivated by this “germ Killing zone’.

In conclusion, mold is very toxic and needs to be eliminated from your home to maintain optimal air quality. To discuss how to improve your indoor air quality, contact Dr. Roy Speiser at or 800-444-3563